
Flying Merkel 1911 V-Twin Reproduction Motorcycle
I'm the great grand nephew of Joseph Merkel (pictured here on the right after one of his cylces won the 1910 FAM championship race), and for as long as I can remember the Flying Merkel brand has been a source of pride in our family. For us it is more than just an amazing piece of Americana - it is a part of our family history, and part of what has made motorcycling, motorcycling! We've taken that pride a step further, and have fought for the rights to own this brand and shepherd it into the future. We are extremely proud to finally call ourselves Flying Merkel!


All this Covid got us jonesing for a road trip - like this one last year to the Ol’ Grand Canyon.
But people- be smart, socially distance and/or wear a mask. It’s not that hard and makes a difference.
Our Flying Merkel Rider tee is ready to rock for the summer. And if you want @ponchosrojas here will make yours just like her’s and cut the sleeves off and slit the back for tying.
#flyingmerkel #flyingmerkelinc #merkel #merkelmotorcycles #motorcycles #bikerchick #bikershirt

We’ve been taking a hiatus from social media as we reflect on the world and all that’s going on.
We are Flying Merkel. We believe in ingenuity, social justice and equality, and American ‘get up and go’. We believe America is open to all that want to participate in this grand experiment and contribute to the greater good.
We do not abide by intolerance, ignorance, and hate.
I’d like to think that this same mindset went into the founding back in 1902, but it certainly is now.
We hope to do you proud.
#flyingmerkel #flyingmerkelinc #merkel #merkelorange

Cool pics of this 1918 #Merkel Motor Wheel thanks to a follower sending them in. We love receiving photos and stories from fans of the Flying Merkel brand. So please continue to share!
We look forward to seeing how this one gets restored.
#flyingmerkel #merkelmotorcycle #merkelmotorwheel #vintagemotorcycle #antiquemotorcycle #motorcyclehistory #motorcycle #motorcycles

Happy Mother’s Day to all those Merkel mamas out there. This Louisa Merkel- one of the many impressive matriarchs of this family. Mother to one Joseph Merkel, and by appearance- one tough cookie.
Love to all the moms.
#flyingmerkel #flyingmerkelinc #merkel #merkelmama #mothersday

One of my favorite pics of the Flying Merkel racing team- Cleo Pineau (right) and Maldwyn Jones.
Let’s focus on Cleo today- Cleo was a prolific racer for Merkel and Indian before the war. Then was a fighter pilot in WWI where he shot down numerous planes, and was actually shot down himself and was a prisoner of war.
After the war Cleo returned to racing motorcycles in the extremely dangerous world of motordrome racing- he again somehow managed to emerge unscathed, and went on to eventually become the president of the Radiant Steel company and died at the ripe old age of 79. 🤘😎🤘
#flyingmerkel #flyingmerkelinc #Merkel #merkelmotorcycles #cleopineau #maldwynjones #merkelracing #motorcycle #motorcyclehistory #vintagemotorcycle #indianmotorcycles #boardtrackracer #boardtrackers

Zee Merkster
#flyingmerkelinc #merkelorange #merkel #merkster #sportster #sportster1200 #chopper #caferacer #custom__motorcycle #customchopper
2003 100yr anniversary edition Sportster 1200 with Flying Merkel Inc custom.
Can’t wait for the next one.

Stay safe out there people. Every place is different, but the threat is real. Although it’s not confirmed because it’s nearly impossible to get tested unless you are severely ill, I am about 90% sure I had Covid a few weeks ago. Luckily it was pretty mild where the most annoying symptom was losing my sense of smell and taste for a week, but I have no idea where I got it and it was super sneaky. So take it seriously and keep you and your loved ones safe- and do it for the greater good. I could have unknowingly spread it had I been irresponsible and who knows I could still possibly be contagious. Stay safe.
Thanks to @margo_newyork for the mask- and our little logo patches make good mask accessories. 🤘
#flyingmerkel #flyingmerkelinc #merkelorange #merkelstrong #stayathome